Thursday, October 11, 2012

Quotes and Such :)

So this isn't a poem like the rest of my posts have been. This is just a few things I've heard people say (mainly at church) or quotes I've found since I've been at college.

"You're not a failure because you fall, you're a failure because you don't get back up."

"We aren't big enough or old enough to do it on our own, our power comes for Jesus."

"41.3% of people groups don't have the gospel (meaning they've never heard)."
"We talk of the second coming of Christ but half of the world has never heard of the first."
-->This shocked me and made me remember why I want to be involved in missions :)

"The average causal follower of Christ will spend more money on a cable bill in a year than they do on Faith Promise."

"Stay right with God, your spouse, and the bank, and everything else will be fine."

"One meal won't cut it, God is waiting to give us all we can eat. The word of God is a buffet that never ends, it'll always give us something."

-The ones above are from notes I've taken in church.

"The great mistake made by people is hoping to discover in themselves that which is to be found in Christ alone." -A.W. Pink

"If you can't give it up, you don't own it, it owns you."
-->Don't remember where I heard this but it's talking about putting things before God and if we can't give something up to spend more time with God then it is a god in itself.

All of these really stood out to me and made me think. :)

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